One Pound Loaf-Flour Weight or Dough Weight?

A guide to understanding how much dough is needed for different sizes of loaf pans and brotform bannetons.

One Pound Loaf-Flour Weight or Dough Weight?

  • Servings: TBD

This guide provides a helpful understanding of how much dough is needed for different sizes of loaf pans and brotform bannetons. It’s a great reference for when you’re planning your bread baking.


This is a technique guide, so no specific ingredients are listed.


  • A 9x5x2 3/4 loaf pan needs between 1.25 and 2 lb of dough, which roughly means recipes with about 3-4 cups total flour. This creates a “large” loaf.
  • A 8x4x2 1/2 needs between 0.875 and 1.5 lb of dough, which roughly means recipes with 2-3 cups of total flour. Makes a “standard” loaf.
  • A 7x3x2 1/2 needs between 0.6 and 1 lb of dough, which roughly means recipes with 1.5-2 cups of total flour. Makes a “junior” loaf.
  • A round 8" brotform banneton needs between 0.5 and 1 lb of dough, which roughly means recipes with 1-2 cups of total flour. Makes a “small boule”.
  • A round 9" brotform banneton needs between 1 and 2 lb of dough, which roughly means recipes with 2-3 cups of total flour. Makes a “medium boule”.
  • A round 10" brotform banneton needs between 2 and 3 lb of dough, which roughly means recipes with 4-5 cups of total flour. Makes a “large boule”.
  • A round 11 3/4" brotform banneton needs between 3 and 4 lb of dough, which roughly means recipes with 7-8 cups of total flour. Makes a “mega boule”.

  • Remember, these are rough estimates and the actual amount of dough needed can vary depending on the specific recipe and type of flour used. Always refer to your recipe for the most accurate measurements.