A classic Hawaiian side dish made from salted salmon, tomatoes, onions, and green onions.
Lomi Lomi Salmon
A must-have for any proper Hawaiian meal or luau. Lomi Lomi Salmon is a Hawaiian side dish made from salted salmon, tomatoes, onions, and green onions.
- 1/2 pound salted salmon (if you can’t find salted salmon, make your own!)
- 2 medium tomatoes
- 1 large sweet onion
- 6 stalks green onion
Lomi lomi: 1. Dice all the ingredients (salted salmon, tomatoes, onions, and green onions) separately. You want small, bite-sized pieces, think pencil eraser size. 2. Put it all together into a big bowl. 3. Lomi aka gently knead the ingredients together until well mixed. There is no need to salt or season because the salmon is already salted. 4. Eat and enjoy!
Salted salmon: 1. Get a nice half-pound salmon filet. Clean and pat dry. 2. Cover both sides of the salmon with Hawaiian sea salt. 3. Put the salted salmon in a shallow bowl and wrap with plastic. 4. Refrigerate for three days (you’re curing the salmon). And tadah, salted salmon. 5. Before using it to make lomi lomi salmon: wash the salmon and soak in a bowl of cold water for an hour. Then pat dry, and chop away.
- In Hawaiian, lomi lomi means to knead or massage. Lomi lomi salmon is salted salmon that is gently kneaded aka mixed together with other ingredients (tomatoes, onions, and green onions).
- Regarding the onions: if you can find sweet Maui onions, definitely use that (I know it’s hard to find outside of Hawaii).